Coty to launch first fragrances made using carbon-captured ethanol

The move is a part of the company’s goal to integrate sustainable ethanol into a majority of its fragrance portfolio by 2023.To get there, Coty is making these fragrances using…

E-tail surge not enough in May as lockdown means fashion sales plunge

But that was almost the only cheerful news in the report — total like-for-like sales (that’s both in-store and non-store) still fell by 18.3% as the lockdown meant consumers couldn’t…

Paris hosts symposium on the luxury industry’s new challenges

“The luxury industry is confronted with new consumers, new attitudes, new experiences, new identities and a new pace. The key is to be able to rise to these challenges while…

Asia Pacific accounts for a third of the world’s relaxation-focused beauty products

According to new research from the market intelligence agency Mintel, Asia Pacific accounted for 33 percent of purchases of global beauty and personal care products launched between January-September 2018, that…

Sustainable energy sourcing- NGO’s report trounces fashion giants

“The rate of electrification is still low for some of the major energy demand sources in the fashion sector,” stated the 82-page document.“Direct fuel consumption is used for various processes…

China Textile Information Centre joins ZDHC programme

CTIC is managed by the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), an industry federation which represents all textile related industries in China and launched its Chemicals Stewardship 2020 Initiative…

UK Plc prepares for messy Brexit as clock ticks down

With barely four months until the world’s fifth largest economy leaves the European Union, a raft of major companies set out plans on Tuesday to counter any trade delays and…

US holiday returns surge with booming e-commerce

Jan. 2 is the busiest day for holiday returns in the United States. U.S. shoppers return more packages than their peers around the globe, spurred by free shipping on orders…

UK store footfall down again, analyst says -first-class click & collect- strategy is key

Back with January, the whole country saw declining visitor traffic to stores, the latest BRC-Springboard tracker showed on Monday. The sharpest drops were seen in Scotland (4.6%), the South West…